OYA(The Goddess of Gods) is a 2024 Nigerian animated short film authored by Lawrence Dieyi. The fifteen minutes run-time short film is about a young devoted loving woman (Oya) born with strange powers to a family with mysteries, who lives in two worlds. [...]
12 YEARS AND A DAY is an award winning short film by fiction writer, Dupe Olorunjo. It tells the story of a woman dealing with a health issue that befuddles even the best doctors. There’s no cure for her situation and she has been holding on to [...]
TECNO CAMON Show’s ‘Hidden Figure’ is a visually appealing short film, shot entirely on the CAMON 20 Premier and skillfully directed by Kayode Kasum. While the storyline of ‘Hidden Figure’ may echo the familiar Disney Channel [...]
Honestly, in the history of aptly named short films, this has to be the most aptly named. The synopsis is that two poor brothers live together, one steals phones for a living and the other is the getaway driver. One day, getaway driver becomes holier than [...]
STORM is a short film produced by Diane Russet and written & directed by Michael ‘Ama Psalmist’ Akinrogunde. The brief love story stars Diane Russet and Daniel Etim-Effiong and they will manage to make you happy and break your heart in the [...]
Take two minutes out of your day and be edutained on the meanings that could possibly be lying beneath the gestures. “I Got Flowers Today” is a brief shortfilm by Kome agbanoma, Wande Thomas and Dorcas Shola Fapson (DSF) starring Dorcas Shola [...]
FISHBONE is a short film that basically takes a microscope to focus in on one of the many ways that drug counterfeiting in our society is harmful to the many. It follows an inspector –Â Daniel Etim Effiong (aka “Folarin of Life“) as he [...]
You might remember Tosin Ibitoye as the shy virgin from the just concluded Ndani TV webseries “FOMO/Phases“, but turns out that there’s a whole lot more to him. Blast is a 10 minute short film written, produced and directed by Ibitoye [...]