In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
“Kill Boro” follows the story of a young boy named Elijah (portrayed by Kosisochukwu Ogbureche), who faces constant abuse from his father, Boro (portrayed by Phillip Asaya). Boro’s violence also targets Elijah’s mother, Boma [...]
Imagine this, you’re walking down a beachline in the rain and you see someone attempting to build a sandcastle in this rainstorm, each attempt washes away before it can take shape, leaving you in a soggy mess of confusion as to what that [...]
Mikolo follows the escapades of two clever kids who embark on a thrilling adventure while visiting their grandma. The bold visual approach in the film caught my attention, and I believe it’s a noteworthy endeavor. Also, it’s a crucial addition [...]
How far will you go for your parent? Are you willing to sacrifice everything to save a loved one? Can you toss your hardcore values aside for your parent? These are questions that A Tribe Called Judah answers and also poses to its audience. A Tribe Called [...]
In recent times, Nigerian filmmakers have often disappointed audiences with sequels that fail to live up to the standard set by their predecessors. Many a time, we, the audience, step into cinema halls or fire up our streaming platforms hoping that the [...]
“Ijogbon”: Kunle Afolayan’s Storytelling Continues to Stagger “Ijogbon” delves into the narrative of four close friends who stumble upon a pouch filled with diamonds, unwittingly thrusting themselves into a series of [...]
After Ahanna Okolo's life as he knows it ends, he decides to steal the life he always wanted. He has just one rule - no bloodshed. He assembles a group of men with various skills, carrying out a series of spectacular heists, always ten steps ahead of the [...]