“A Song from the Dark” written and directed by Ogo Okpue presents an intriguing concept rooted in Nigerian beliefs, dealing with spirits, possession, cursed marks, sigils, and shamanism. The film attempts to blend psychological horror with [...]
The first chapter of the Netflix horror series, The Origin: Madam Koi Koi enjoyed the good graces of audiences across Nigeria as it was well received and praised on social media. This was partly due to nostalgia; the thrill of a Nigerian urban legend and [...]
The Origin: Madam Koi-Koi begins with Amanda (Martha Ehinome) and her mother (Bolaji Ogunmola) driving into her new school in Malomo in 1991. Amanda’s mother has recently lost her job in a different city causing her to have to relocate and switch [...]
Dare Olaitan’s Ile Owo is unfortunately another victim of ambitions that are thwarted by smaller budgets and ineffective writing. The movie is the story of Busola, a young naive Christian girl, who meets and falls for a young billionaire (played by [...]
On today’s episode of overhyped things that don’t quite live up to expectations, we will be talking about Play TV’s “Nneka the Pretty Serpent”. Honestly, these people bamboozled us. After “Living in Bondage“, we [...]
If there’s one thing old nollywood has over new nollywood everyday – and twice on Sundays – it’s storytelling. And this 2019, sequel to the nollywood classic “Living In Bondage” downloads some of that old charm [...]
After a while I had to start checking myself in order to contain my excitement. In more advanced industries, the things that wowed me in this movie would be taken for granted, but the fact that someone (in our very own industry) took the time to create [...]
How is it possible for a movie to have a storyline and still feel like it has no storyline? Before we digress, let’s establish what this storyline is. A young widow and her son move in to their new home and not too long after her son begins to see a [...]