“Alaye” follows the journey of Catherine, portrayed by Ruth Kadiri. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she brings in a stranger named Funmi, portrayed by Samuel Perry (Broda Shaggi). The situation quickly spirals into chaos, leading to a [...]
From the trailer(s) released for Muri and Ko, it was obvious the crop of movies this would be; the film clearly embraces a comedy-centric approach that was unmistakably front and center. The question this presented was whether it would deliver genuine [...]
Bank Alert follows the journey of Samuel Okereke, portrayed by Okey Bakassi Onyegbule, as he loses his job as a crypto manager for exposing company fraud in court. His lawyer and best friend, Uche, portrayed by Kanayo O Kanayo, tried to defend him but [...]
Off the successful heels of Afamefuna, Kayode Kasum introduces another compelling feature. Ajosepo tells the story of Dapo and Tani (Played by Mike Afolarin and Tomike Adeoye respectively), who are about to get married. Dapo hails from a disjointed [...]
Casa De Novia is a production of Anthill Studios directed by Uyoyou Adia, which follows the story of an investigative journalist, Yoyo (portrayed by Anee Icha) who is compelled to relocate to a new apartment. However, her arrival unveils a haunting [...]
The Kujus Again unfolds the narrative of the family reuniting, this time at a hotel resort to celebrate the traditional wedding of Mauyon (portrayed by Kunle Remi) and Lily (portrayed by Sophia Alakija). However, the joyous occasion takes a dark turn when [...]
Small Talk narrates the tale of Baba Dee (played by Adebowale “Mr Macaroni” Adedayo), a driver ecstatic about his boss’s return from a lengthy overseas journey. Amid his joy, he engages in casual conversations with various individuals, [...]
I went into this movie blindly, not knowing what to expect of it, even though the title made me feel it’d be a lowbrow Nollywood production. However, Japa turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Japa is a Sci-Fi comedy about a young teacher, Mezu, [...]