In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
“With Difficulty Comes Ease” follows the journey of Zainab (portrayed by Uzoamaka Aniunoh), a young widow whose resolve is put to the test as she navigates the complexities of grief, tradition, and fresh starts against the backdrop of [...]
“KM 17” aims to be a psychological thriller that delves into themes of obsession, resurrection, and survival. The story revolves around a young woman named Cheeka (portrayed by Toni Tones), who embarks on a harrowing taxi ride with a psychotic [...]
Onye Egwu tells the story of Alex, a footballer whose career comes to an end after a series of injuries. His journey to seek a solution leads him to a budding footballer, Nedu, who dreams of playing internationally but is hindered by the penurious family [...]
“A Song from the Dark” written and directed by Ogo Okpue presents an intriguing concept rooted in Nigerian beliefs, dealing with spirits, possession, cursed marks, sigils, and shamanism. The film attempts to blend psychological horror with [...]
Bolanle Austen Peter’s House of Ga’a continues in line with the recent stream of Yoruba Period Piece’s in Nollywood. And thankfully it is a welcome addition. House of Ga’a is about the life of the infamous Bashorun Ga’a (Femi [...]
“Kofa” delivers a thrilling narrative about eight individuals — four men and four women, Wale (portrayed by Daniel Etim-Effiong), Tosin (portrayed by Gina Castel), Nnenna (portrayed by Ijeoma Grace Agu), Nosa (portrayed by Charles Etubiebi), [...]
Directed by Moyin Ezekiel and produced by Akinbayo Morakinyo of H-Debay Production, The Beads narrates the tale of a bride-to-be whose wedding day tragically transforms into her final day. As she struggles to survive, she yearns to reverse time, embarking [...]
“Alaye” follows the journey of Catherine, portrayed by Ruth Kadiri. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she brings in a stranger named Funmi, portrayed by Samuel Perry (Broda Shaggi). The situation quickly spirals into chaos, leading to a [...]
“Saving Onome” tells the story of a young couple, Jite (portrayed by Olumide Oworu) and Tola (portrayed by Nancy Isime), who need ten million naira for their daughter Onome’s (portrayed by Mega Geraldine) life-saving surgery. The [...]
Produced by Timini Egbuson, Shina follows Shina Akanji as he strives to save his ailing grandmother on the eve of a gubernatorial election. Through dialogue, the movie paints that Shina is going through reform from a life of drugs, alcoholism, and [...]
From the trailer(s) released for Muri and Ko, it was obvious the crop of movies this would be; the film clearly embraces a comedy-centric approach that was unmistakably front and center. The question this presented was whether it would deliver genuine [...]
A Father’s Love is the fifth film in the First Feature project, an initiative by Steve Gukas and Dotun Olakunri that provides financing for directors’ debut feature films. Among the notable movies produced by this initiative, including Love [...]
“Kill Boro” follows the story of a young boy named Elijah (portrayed by Kosisochukwu Ogbureche), who faces constant abuse from his father, Boro (portrayed by Phillip Asaya). Boro’s violence also targets Elijah’s mother, Boma [...]
Uno (The F In Family) transports viewers to the vibrant heart of Enugu, in eastern Nigeria. The story follows Junior (played by Keezyto), who, at his girlfriend’s urging, travels from Lagos to Enugu to introduce her to his family. Over the course of a [...]
The film “Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti” chronicles the life of its titular character, starting from her early years as the first female student at Abeokuta Grammar School, where she met her future husband, Israel Ransome-Kuti. The narrative then shifts to her [...]
Momiwa follows the story of Naeto, aka Dadiwa (portrayed by Uzor Arukwe), a man whose wife, Kiki (portrayed by Iyabo Ojo) abandons him and their children, Vida (portrayed by Precious Udoh) and Abel (portrayed by Akpujiha Michael). In her absence, Momiwa [...]
Upon viewing the trailer for Water and Garri, there was no immediate desire to watch the movie. It conveyed an impression of potentially mediocre acting, which I was prepared to accept. However, the film presented problems beyond just subpar performances. [...]
Aburo tells the story of its titular character, a street smart boy who’s skilled at stealing because of his speed. When he steals from Mide, a failed international athlete, their lives intersect as Mide takes on the role of mentor, guiding the young [...]
Strained explores the delicate relationship between a mother and daughter, tracing their path toward reconciliation. The story follows Ebere (portrayed by Tracy George) a new mother, and her estranged mother, Abigail (portrayed by Queen Nwokoye). When [...]