In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
“KM 17” aims to be a psychological thriller that delves into themes of obsession, resurrection, and survival. The story revolves around a young woman named Cheeka (portrayed by Toni Tones), who embarks on a harrowing taxi ride with a psychotic [...]
“A Song from the Dark” written and directed by Ogo Okpue presents an intriguing concept rooted in Nigerian beliefs, dealing with spirits, possession, cursed marks, sigils, and shamanism. The film attempts to blend psychological horror with [...]
“Kofa” delivers a thrilling narrative about eight individuals — four men and four women, Wale (portrayed by Daniel Etim-Effiong), Tosin (portrayed by Gina Castel), Nnenna (portrayed by Ijeoma Grace Agu), Nosa (portrayed by Charles Etubiebi), [...]
Directed by Moyin Ezekiel and produced by Akinbayo Morakinyo of H-Debay Production, The Beads narrates the tale of a bride-to-be whose wedding day tragically transforms into her final day. As she struggles to survive, she yearns to reverse time, embarking [...]
Almost five years after the release of “Oloture,” its sequel, “Oloture: The Journey,” debuts on Netflix. Instead of a movie, it’s presented as a three-episode miniseries. This sequel picks up right where the original movie ends. [...]
Produced by Timini Egbuson, Shina follows Shina Akanji as he strives to save his ailing grandmother on the eve of a gubernatorial election. Through dialogue, the movie paints that Shina is going through reform from a life of drugs, alcoholism, and [...]
“Kill Boro” follows the story of a young boy named Elijah (portrayed by Kosisochukwu Ogbureche), who faces constant abuse from his father, Boro (portrayed by Phillip Asaya). Boro’s violence also targets Elijah’s mother, Boma [...]