“Saving Onome” tells the story of a young couple, Jite (portrayed by Olumide Oworu) and Tola (portrayed by Nancy Isime), who need ten million naira for their daughter Onome’s (portrayed by Mega Geraldine) life-saving surgery. The [...]
Breath of Life, written and directed by BB Sasore (God Calling, Before 30) is technically a faith based movie about a Mr. Timi Johnson (Wale Ojo) who, for all intents and purposes, loses his religion after losing his family early in life. Many years later [...]
At the end of this I wanted to wonder a few things. Why is it not longer? Why is it not a full movie and then I thought of the things I loved best about it. The short film “Hell or High Water” does not provide any answers. In fact, it barely [...]
There’s been a lot of hype about this on social media especially in the production stages and now we get to take a first look at the teaser for Mildred Okwo & Rita Dominic’s (The Audrey Silva Company’s), upcoming television series [...]
We are always searching for a good romance story but there are sometimes that we are grateful when the movie is not a romance and “Public Property” was one of those times. Public Property is the story of a successful business woman who is yet [...]
The movie was not a 'romance' it was a 'drama', but it was not just that. It was in the category of what I have come to believe is the most annoying genre of dramas which is the 'series of unfortunate events' kind. In the beginning a few bad things were [...]
The promos for Journey to Self were amazing. It had 5 beautiful women on the cover staring intently at me and it just screamed deep learned words like: ‘forward-thinking’, ‘revolutionary’ and the ever elusive [...]
And Nollywood dabbles into scary movies, but this time it’s not in the manner we are all too accustomed to. Director and writer, Stanley Ohikhuare presents a Nollywood Horror thriller like we’ve never seen her before in ‘KPIANS the feast [...]