With a title like that, I would not blame anyone for overlooking this movie. But if you are anything like me and occasionally crave that pure unadulterated village storylines, then maybe you might want to reconsider. Love Shooter is the story of Ogechukwu [...]
There’s such a thing as misleading advertising in order to trick the audience to purchase your product. Then there is that unfortunate breed of misleading advertising that can hinder the progress of your product indirectly and this is one of those [...]
In a time where most home videos in Nollywood are evenly split between ‘runz films’ and ‘royal stories’ a return to the original Nollywood movie formula is more than welcome. The movie ‘Birth of Evil’ tells the story of [...]
Ok! The first two parts: prince loves girl, girl goes abroad to get education, girl comes back with white man in the guise of research partner, everyone waits for prince to marry, so that prince number two can marry too, girl disappoints... watch out for [...]