Dead Serious follows Johnny, played by Sabinus (Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ejekwu), as he navigates the complexities of romance with Amara, portrayed by Sharon Ooja. Despite the playful skepticism of his sister Vero (portrayed by Toyin Albert) and his friend [...]
In ‘The Black Book,’ Paul Edima (Richard Mofe-Damijo – RMD), now retired and seeking redemption, enjoys a simple life with his son (Olumide Oworu). However, when the Nigerian police unjustly target and frame his son as a criminal, [...]
EAGLE WINGS is an upcoming air force story by Paul Apel Papel Films. The movie stars Enyinna Nwigwe, Femi Jacobs, Yakubu Mohammed, Uzee Usman, Funky Mallam, Nazareth Jesse, Saeed Mohammed, Abdul U. Zada, Patience Ujah and others.
Before hitting play on this gem, I went back to the coming soon post that we had initially created for it on NR and I reread the synopsis. Somewhere in there, it says something about an “Igbo Christian” falling for an “Hausa [...]
The Department is the story of a secret department in a highly successful company which has gained its success by disabling other companies in order to acquire them. All this is done through the efforts of the members in this department.
Birthday Bash is surprisingly a very funny movie, that will get you cracking really hard, due to the performances of a few outstanding actors, howbeit, it’s that sort of movie you are watching with your friends and while laughing, you could end up saying [...]