Lekki Wives, the prequel to Lekki Wives: The Reunion, which was produced in 2012, revolves around five women in Lekki, Lagos. It portrays the women’s flamboyant lifestyles, and the significant issues they face daily. The cast members are Kiki [...]
One of the greatest challenges thatĀ Heaven’s HellĀ faces right from the door, is the task of selling a movie that was shot in 2013 to an audience in 2019. Granted, a good story transcends time, however, the platter on which that story is served will [...]
There is a thing to be said about watching movies that were made over a year ago in your current day – expectations change. As time goes by, you see better and the things that would generally have bowled you over once upon a time can barely elicit a [...]
The promos for Journey to Self were amazing. It had 5 beautiful women on the cover staring intently at me and it just screamed deep learned words like: ‘forward-thinking’, ‘revolutionary’ and the ever elusive [...]