The movie, Superstar, on paper is uber ambitious. It brings to mind similar storylines like “Fashion” from the Indian movie industry. It has a few of the pieces that make memorable films like the aforementioned, however, it falls short of [...]
Within certain crowds last year, Sylvia was all the rage and for the first time in a while, it was worth the rave. Sylvia is a fantasy based thriller about a young man who grows up with a mysterious girl whom he meets with at night. As the tag line of [...]
The Lost Heir is a “Tales by Moonlight”-feeling-epic story about a Prince who was abducted and left for dead after birth. However, many years later when his father – the king – passes, he is brought back to the fore-front and it is [...]
There is a scene early in this movie where the main character Tinuke Badmus (Layole Oyatogun) asks the police officer interrogating her, “What do you want to know, the truth or a lie?”. I suspect the writers of the movie intended it to be a profound [...]