Casa De Novia is a production of Anthill Studios directed by Uyoyou Adia, which follows the story of an investigative journalist, Yoyo (portrayed by Anee Icha) who is compelled to relocate to a new apartment. However, her arrival unveils a haunting [...]
In “The House of Secrets,” we are introduced to Sarah (Najite Dede), an elderly woman who endured a harrowing ordeal of torture and unjust imprisonment due to her husband Panna (Shawn Faqua) uncovering and concealing information that could [...]
Murder at Prime Suites is essentially a fictionalized portrayal of the incident that happened with Cynthia Osokogu back in 2012. The movie follows two police detectives, played by Keira Hewatch and Joseph Benjamin, as they investigate a case involving a [...]