Orah is an upcoming revenge – crime thriller written and directed by Lonzo Nzekwe (Anchor Baby). The upcoming movie stars Lucky Onyekachi Ejim, Agape Mngomezulu, Morgan Bedard, Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama, Oris Erhuero, O.C. Ukeje, Femi Lawson, [...]
THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS Lara & The Beat is the coming of age story of the young and tactless heiress, Lara Giwa (Seyi Shay) after she and her sister, Dara Giwa (Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama), find themselves in poverty after their trusted Uncle [...]
She Is tells the story of an unmarried young lady in her 40s (played by Somkele Iyamah) who has a one sided crush on her single pastor. After that love interest falls through, she soon discovers that she will have to decide between waiting for Mr. Right [...]
Tolu tells the story of a young girl who in order to prove herself valuable to the community embarks on a journey by herself into the sea to try and catch as many fish as possible and learns some life lessons in the process. For a helpful visual on what [...]
They said nothing else but comedy can sell in Nigeria. So the makers of “Ojukokoro” made a comedy. Except they made a comedy like we have never seen before. Ojukokoro (Greed) is set up to look like a story about a series of unfortunate events [...]
The first part was a party and the second part is like a vacation that most of us cannot afford. The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai is the second installment of the ELFIKE Collective produced movie “The Wedding Party” from 2016. In this [...]
One big question we ask when reviewing cinema releases is “can this movie stand on its own when surrounded by movies from Iran, America, France, Great Britain, India, etc?” or is it just “good… for a nollywood movie?”. [...]
In the first few minutes of “The Arbitration” the audience is introduced to the central premise of this film – a powerful boss uses his position to coerce an employee into having sex with him. At this point I began to think, “oh [...]