Heroes & Villains
Seun Akindele, Ivie Okujaye, Belinda Effah, Sylvia Oluchy, Chucks Chyke, Titi Joseph, Maksat Ampe
A couple on vacation aimed at finding the missing spark in their matrimony. In a desperate attempt to make it work, they seek counselling from someone that knows better. Unknown to them, they are been counselled by the same stranger. Things turned around when she realizes they are not doing as she said. Now they have to deal with an external dilemma.
Ivie: "where did you get that?" Belinda: "I got it in Dubai when I travelled" Ivie: "oh wow, you should burn it"
Shittu Taiwo
Happy Julian-Uchendu
Daniella Esua Ame
The villain twist
Did not meet its potential
What I really want to know is “how many cakes were harmed in the making of this movie?”
Heroes & Villains is the story of a couple on the brink of a divorce. They go to their lawyer friend to ask for the papers when he somehow convinces them to go on a two week vacation to a resort. If at the end of the vacation they still wanted a divorce, he would send the papers over to them. Because you know, he is the only lawyer in the country capable of granting their divorce? *side eye*
One good thing about the movie is that the story starts from the get go. The initial premise of a lawyer sending them on a vacation is a bit ridiculous, and even though we are on this “Why Did I Get Married?” ride, it wasn’t a very plausible excuse.
When the couple, played by Belinda Effah and Seun Akindele, finally get to the resort we begin to see their true colors. It is fights and bickering and more fights and bickering but thankfully with many twists of humor. It is at this point that we must appreciate the skills of Belinda and Seun and their uncanny ability to portray so much facially without saying a word to each other.
Once at the resort, in comes the above alluded villain played by Ivie Okujaye. Initially, she is innocent enough. She is fine, fierce and free. She is the superwoman type and sings that “I can get any man I want but I don’t need a man” gospel (Can I get a hallelujah church?). Soon enough though we realize that all is not as it seems and this seemingly well meaning chic might have serious mental issues.
Without the added Ivie Okujaye twist it would be a very basic storyline but the villain addition elevates it. However, the villain addition is not constructed well enough that it will be memorable in times to come. I do commend Ivie’s performance as the villain in this movie though. Initially it is a bit confusing but her performance in this movie is like aged wine it gets better with each scene.
The end scene/climax of the movie was interestingly different. It was not simplistic and usual. In fact, I hold that the writer could potentially plan a sequel with the way it ended. There was an argument, a fight, suspense and an end. It is very similar to the end of “Champagne” except that this was done better. Having said that, the end still leaves an incomplete taste.
Heroes and Villains is definitely an entertaining watch with a world of potential that was not completely met. By the end we have a happy ending that arrived in a manner different from what we are used to; but we still have an incomplete story with Ivie Okujaye.
Just like you said this is another “Why Did I Get Married” i haven’t seen the movie and i won’t try to
because i Why Did I Get Married was a waste of time aside seeing my beautiful Janet Jackson.