Marry Max Again is an upcoming drama and comedy series written and directed by Martinz Nnaji. The movie stars Frankincense Eche-Ben, Bayray McNwizu, Francis Odega, Racheal Oniga, Bukky Ogunnote, Christian Paul, and Labelle Vitien.
SYNOPSIS: Max(Frankincense Eche-Ben) is a Music Producer who lives an average life in Festac Town, Lagos State. His popularity on media makes the public believe he is very rich while in reality him and his Wife Sharon(Bayray McNwizu) are having a fair share of life struggles. The heat in his marriage sets in after an incident that happened their wedding day made Sharon to keep a dirty secret which led to so many other secrets. The drama never stops to unfold as Sharon’s little secrets begins to come to light and Max’s dirty past sets out to hunt him.