Finding Happiness
Gloria Anozie Young, Ayo Adesanya, Francis Onwochei, Emem Ufot, Bimbo Ademoye, Blessing Eloho Festus, Efe Irele, Ray Emodi
Finding Happiness is a classic romantic comedy about two people (Daisy and Adam) who run away from the troubled atmosphere of their respective homes and find each other
90 mins
Efe Irele
Amara Nnachi
Can anyone really ever have a problem with a good romcom? I mean what sort of monster would dislike a film about love that makes you laugh? Finding Happiness reminded me of some of the reasons why I’ve always had a soft spot for romantic comedies and why you should too.
- What other genre can have a plot that could have been ripped from a Harlequin novel, give you topless gym scenes, a montage on a beach, a love/hate relationship and repressed sexual tension?
- What other genre can have a movie that is basically (delightfully) just wealthy attractive people doing wealthy attractive people things?
- In what other genre can the hunky male lead in one breath sensitively yell “Mum I can’t marry her, I want love” and in the next breath Mr Sensitive goes full Alpha male and commands his love interest with “see you at 7, wear something sexy”?
- What other genre can decide that the most basic law of nature, ‘every action has a logical reaction’ does not apply to it because in a romcom who cares about believable?
Finding Happiness is a classic romantic comedy about two people (Daisy and Adam) who run away from the troubled atmosphere of their respective homes (Daddy and Mummy issues respectively) and find each other (but like the best romcoms, be warned, it was not love at first sight). The movie stars Gloria Anozie Young, Ayo Adesanya, Francis Onwochei, Emem Ufot, Bimbo Ademoye, Blessing Eloho Festus, Efe Irele and Ray Emodi. The movie fully delves into the genre to deliver a solid and satisfactory entry by answering the pressing question, what do you do when you you’re dealing with personal issues? Run away from home, go on holiday and fall in love.
The performances by the cast were respectable (despite the moderate fluctuating accents) and perhaps because of my fondness for comic relief (they typically seem like the most genuine performances in a movie) the performances by Emem Ufot (Happiness) and Bimbo Ademoye were particularly enjoyable. Although Ray Emodi as the bearded muscular guy waxing on poetic on how he needs love and running away from his mother looked a little strange, he pulls it off admirably with the overbearing mother’s uncomfortable and hilarious performance the highlight of the movie. The performances of the Efe Irele and Ray Emodi in the lead are particularly commendable because although in all sincerity neither character is particularly likeable, they provided enough of a spark (with the help of classic romcom dialogue)to keep us engaged.
Finding Happiness is a movie for anyone who wants to relax on Saturday night or watch a movie with their girlfriends or is a fan of the romcom genre.