In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
Onye Egwu tells the story of Alex, a footballer whose career comes to an end after a series of injuries. His journey to seek a solution leads him to a budding footballer, Nedu, who dreams of playing internationally but is hindered by the penurious family [...]
Directed by Moyin Ezekiel and produced by Akinbayo Morakinyo of H-Debay Production, The Beads narrates the tale of a bride-to-be whose wedding day tragically transforms into her final day. As she struggles to survive, she yearns to reverse time, embarking [...]
Almost five years after the release of “Oloture,” its sequel, “Oloture: The Journey,” debuts on Netflix. Instead of a movie, it’s presented as a three-episode miniseries. This sequel picks up right where the original movie ends. [...]
Produced by Timini Egbuson, Shina follows Shina Akanji as he strives to save his ailing grandmother on the eve of a gubernatorial election. Through dialogue, the movie paints that Shina is going through reform from a life of drugs, alcoholism, and [...]
From the trailer(s) released for Muri and Ko, it was obvious the crop of movies this would be; the film clearly embraces a comedy-centric approach that was unmistakably front and center. The question this presented was whether it would deliver genuine [...]
A Father’s Love is the fifth film in the First Feature project, an initiative by Steve Gukas and Dotun Olakunri that provides financing for directors’ debut feature films. Among the notable movies produced by this initiative, including Love [...]
Uno (The F In Family) transports viewers to the vibrant heart of Enugu, in eastern Nigeria. The story follows Junior (played by Keezyto), who, at his girlfriend’s urging, travels from Lagos to Enugu to introduce her to his family. Over the course of a [...]