After seeing at least two irokotv movie productions we have now begun to notice a trend in these movies which is that they generally start off looking like the most basic, regular storyline and somewhere after the mid-point, and especially towards the [...]
We hold these truths to be self evident that Black November strikes immediately as an emotionally compelling story that brings to the forefront a highly relevant political issue - the struggle in the Niger Delta. There is no room allowed for guesswork in [...]
There are not many nollywood movie trailers that I watch nowadays, first of all, but then even after that, I can count on one hand how many of them I have gotten excited about. Brother’s Keeper was one of the few that had me riled up from the first [...]
Mrs. Somebody's success arises from the fact that the story is one that most Nigerian ladies are much too familiar with. It's appeal for the hopeless romantic, such as myself, is in how unabated and shamelessly it sticks to the original romance formula. [...]
I’ve been reviewing Nollywood movies for about 2 years now so you can say that I haven’t watched many Nollywood movies in all that time. Sounds contradictory? But watching a movie and reviewing a movie are two completely different experiences [...]
The entire concept of the uber traditional man who expects his wife to be (what I'd like to refer to as) the archaic-before-the-civil-war type is a concept that has been (or should I say, 'used to be') everpresent in our Nollywood movies
Guy "accidentally" meets girl. Guy falls for girl. Guy attempts to toast babe and babe rejects him more times than I have teeth. Eventuallyyyyyy babe agrees to go on a date with guy and boom! babe falls for guy. And... all this happens in the first 15 minutes
-Story: [3 out of 5] It is a beautiful story (that will never happen to me). The trailer doesn’t give much away but it is another widow story -Originality: [3 out of 5] Regardless of the fact that it is another widow story, Timeless Passion is a [...]