‘Love Deposit’ is the story of Terry (Chike Daniels) and his daughter (Dera Osadebe) who are trying to get through the loss of their wife and mother with the physical and emotional support of Oluchi (Onyii Alex), her loyal and trusted maid. [...]
Whoever wrote this must be some kind of sadist. I often complain about Nollywood’s obsession with watching people suffer but even with this one I was enthralled. Warning to those of faint heart, you will cry and cry a lot.
There was once a phase of nollywood movies when 4 out of every 5 released home videos were set in the college or university and followed the lives of runs girls or cult boys or the SU’s desperately trying to make it through 4 years unscathed. This [...]
I bit the bullet for this one. With a horrendous name this film doomed itself from the beginning but it is …not that bad. It is a decent flick that is entertaining and not as stupid and senseless as the name suggests. My only issue was that it taught a [...]
This film perfectly displays how an interesting concept can be ruined by clichés and lack of imagination. Halfway through I was very pleased with it, it was interesting and intriguing to me however at the end it was all I could do not to tear my hair out. [...]