Autism in Nigeria is not a well talked about or even well-known subject but here comes a film that not only addresses it respectfully – no juju involved , thank God – but also does not shy away from the realities of a parent with an autistic child.
This was such an ambitious move, only two cast, one or so locations. So ambitious, so inspired , so inventive and it was working until suddenly it wasn’t. I’m not even angry, just very very very disappointed. This could have been a benchmark in Nollywood [...]
It is very rare that I wish a six part movie could go on for longer but I did. Kept looking at the amount of parts left and wishing it was longer. This was a well-crafted, well told and very creative story. Easily going to be in my top ten of the year.
This movie had three potential storylines, three original storylines that could have been great on their own but instead they chose to jam all three, waste three storylines and waste everyone’s time in the process. It joins a long list of nollywood movie [...]
I went into this expecting some low level, low-effort rehash of an implausible story but what i got instead was an emotional and character driven story. Neither original nor new, this film took very different paths to a familiar end and I applaud it for that.
When a film is unoriginal, it can only be good by doing one of two things: presenting it in a totally new and original manner or introducing completely new dimensions to a well-known story. Otherwise, it’s just a newer, better-shot version of the same old [...]
I went into this without any sort of expectation of excellence. I wasn’t even expecting it to be good but I was so pleasantly surprised. The story, the acting, the directing and the production values came together to create a very good movie that I would [...]
Is there a part two for this? Did they just run out of film/time/energy/money? This is not the kind of film that should end on a cliff-hanger, if that was the intention of the filmmaker. It literally just ends. Plot unresolved. I’m seriously asking.