Flawsome revolves around the lives of four women: Ifeyinwa, Ramat, Ivie and Dolapo. The series highlights their personal and professional lives, which are bounded by their flaws and yet the unbreakable ties they share as friends. Ifeyinwa, an heiress, [...]
In a series of unsettling events, a sequence of young women met their demise in a ritualistic way under the glow of a full Ghanaian moon. Faced with this ominous mystery, a forensic consultant seeks assistance from a seasoned homicide detective flown in [...]
In recent times, Nigerian filmmakers have often disappointed audiences with sequels that fail to live up to the standard set by their predecessors. Many a time, we, the audience, step into cinema halls or fire up our streaming platforms hoping that the [...]
It has been ten years since your faves were together on screen for the original “The Perfect Picture” (not to be confused with the 2017 iROKO TV film “Picture Perfect“). And Shirley knew you were missing them so they’ve come [...]
Within certain crowds last year, Sylvia was all the rage and for the first time in a while, it was worth the rave. Sylvia is a fantasy based thriller about a young man who grows up with a mysterious girl whom he meets with at night. As the tag line of [...]
THE Shirley Frimpong-Manso of the much loved “Adams Apples Series” comes back to get our hearts again with Potato Potahto –Â a cute romantic comedy about a couple who get divorced but both refuse to leave the house for the other. The two [...]
A thing that still stumps me sometimes is how a movie can have all the elements of greatness – performance, picture, art, music and even great intentions – but still manage to fall flat on its face. In Line is an atypical story of a husband [...]
It is interesting how something can be so immensely strong and yet so floundering-ly weak but that was the persevering feeling after watching Lotanna. So many aspects built it up but for whatever reason it never truly becomes the sum total of its parts. [...]