In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
Tokunbo is the story of an ex-car smuggler caught in a race against time and a web of lies, politics and crime. The film tells the story of an ex-car smuggler racing against time to deliver a kidnapped girl. A crime-tinged picture directed by Ramsey [...]
Adire, a two-hour-plus comedy-drama tells the tale of Asari (aka Adire) portrayed by Kehinde Bankole, an ambitious woman striving to escape her life as a prostitute. Eager to pursue a career in fashion design, she seizes a chance to break free from her [...]
In “The House of Secrets,” we are introduced to Sarah (Najite Dede), an elderly woman who endured a harrowing ordeal of torture and unjust imprisonment due to her husband Panna (Shawn Faqua) uncovering and concealing information that could [...]
Walking With Shadows is adapted from Jude Dibia’s 2005 book of the same title. It is produced by Funmi Iyanda, and written and directed by Aoife O’Kelly. The movie stars Zainab Balogun, Ozzy Agu, Wale Ojo, Funlola Aofiyebi Raimi, and Adunni Ade. SYNOPSIS: [...]
We have heard of character driven movies and we have also heard of plot driven movies, well this movie felt like an art driven movie. In Tatu, a mother gives birth to a child who is destined to give her life up for her people on her 21st birthday. To [...]
There's a thing about Shirley Frimpong-Manso films that most are probably accustomed to at this point. The silence. There's not a lot of noise or music so the only saving grace for the movie is the movie. What does this mean? If a sparrow production story [...]
Dejavuu is an upcoming thriller directed by directed by Chris Eneaji (Murder at Prime Suites, Secret Room) and produced by Crey Ahanonu. The movie stars Frederick Leonard and Mary Njoku in the lead roles alongside TT Temple Ikeji, Linda Ejiofor, Funlola [...]