In her directorial debut, Dolapo Adigun helms Criminal, a thriller that unfolds over a single day. The film follows an ex-felon and his gang as they take a hospital hostage, demanding treatment for the gang leader’s dying brother. Criminal wastes no [...]
From the poster, it was evident that the story here will infuse a love triangle. All’s Fair In Love revolves around two friends, Demi and Kanla (played by Deyemi Okanlawon and Timini Egbuson), who are thriving in their fashion business. However, [...]
In “The House of Secrets,” we are introduced to Sarah (Najite Dede), an elderly woman who endured a harrowing ordeal of torture and unjust imprisonment due to her husband Panna (Shawn Faqua) uncovering and concealing information that could [...]