“Kill Boro” follows the story of a young boy named Elijah (portrayed by Kosisochukwu Ogbureche), who faces constant abuse from his father, Boro (portrayed by Phillip Asaya). Boro’s violence also targets Elijah’s mother, Boma [...]
Arriving on Netflix on the heels of a society more torn than ever with increased “Black Lives Matter” protests and the vigor of the black community worldwide as they refuse to be second hand citizens, the timing of Beverly Naya’s Skin: [...]
In an industry obsessed with Lagos, Asaba and Abuja, Up North is a soothing breath of fresh air as it takes the narrative outside these boundaries and introduces the audience to a whole new world. However, that might be the only thing ‘fresh’ [...]
The CEO is a movie made up of a series of surprises. However, the biggest surprise is how disappointing it was. In The CEO, the expat chief executive officer of Transwire – a multinational telecommunication company – retires, and the global [...]
ANGELINA is a three part long six hour movie about everything that “A Cry for Help” was about. It stars Hilda Dokubo doing what Hilda Dokubo always does – crying. It has a villain, it has a sob story, it has a success story and when all [...]