The Slum King is an upcoming crime series set to release on Africa Magic on 5 October 2023. The upcoming series is set to star Tobi Bakre, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Teniola Aladese, Olarotimi Fakunle, Sonia Irabor, Bolaji Ogunmola, Idia Essien, Elvina Ibru, [...]
“Hijack ’93: The MAD Men & the Aircraft” is a recounting of the real-life events that occurred during the October 1993 plane hijack, carried out by four Nigerian teenagers affiliated with the Movement for the Actualization of [...]
On today’s episode of overhyped things that don’t quite live up to expectations, we will be talking about Play TV’s “Nneka the Pretty Serpent”. Honestly, these people bamboozled us. After “Living in Bondage“, we [...]