Momiwa follows the story of Naeto, aka Dadiwa (portrayed by Uzor Arukwe), a man whose wife, Kiki (portrayed by Iyabo Ojo) abandons him and their children, Vida (portrayed by Precious Udoh) and Abel (portrayed by Akpujiha Michael). In her absence, Momiwa [...]
You might remember Jade Osiberu (director) from her work with Isoken, the movie that’s frequently cited as the best new age nollywood romantic comedy till date. However, Jade said “hold my cupid’s bow” as she delves into the depths [...]
If there’s one thing that this movie is good for, it is bringing up the discourse – yet again – of intertribal marriages. For most of us, it is a very real and timely conversation. The ignorance is that most people always think [...]
Silence is yet another movie about child abuse and rape and things of that nature. However, it is not set in the usual manner. The movie starts at the setting of a post war torn area. All the battles have been fought and all that’s left is dead bodies [...]
The way the media is set up in modern day, especially the western media, one might actually start to think that the only thing essential for a relationship is love but that's false. Trust, love and respect are three ingredients that are essential for any [...]
Beyond Disability is an upcoming movie produced by Iyabo Ojo and directed by Desmond Elliott. The movie stars Desmond Elliott, Iyabo Ojo, Ini Edo, Halima Abubakar, Femi Adebayo, Christy Okonkwo, Ireti Osayemi amongst others. BEYOND DISABILITY is a movie [...]
After reading the synopsis for unforgivable I had lofty ideas in my head so imagine my surprise when the movie started and for 30-45 minutes I was accosted with the typical Yoruba movie presentation. Those 30-45 minutes were an exercise in will power for [...]