“Saving Onome” tells the story of a young couple, Jite (portrayed by Olumide Oworu) and Tola (portrayed by Nancy Isime), who need ten million naira for their daughter Onome’s (portrayed by Mega Geraldine) life-saving surgery. The [...]
Wrong Number portrays the story of a man who is abducted by a gang who mistake him for a celebrity all because of a wrong number. The movie is written and directed by Uche Chukwu. The feature cast include Seun Ajayi, Remilekun Khalid Safaru(Reminisce), [...]
You know the movie “Taken” where Liam Neeson gives the greatest tough guy speech in cinematic history? The “I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want…I don’t have money but I have a particular set of skills…if you don’t [...]
The movie “Closer” starring Alexx Ekubo and Mary Lazarus starts with a woman in a dark room writing a letter, then it pans to an amateurish depiction of a car accident, then it pans back to the woman. Then it somehow gets worse and we get flashbacks of [...]
You might have heard of this big number Omoni Oboli production last year (2017). Maybe when it was making the waves in our headlines over the jury dispute, or when it was making other waves in the headlines for its festival inclusions. Either way, [...]
Can you watch a 90 minute movie about Aso-Ebi? That is a question I can bet you never thought you would need to answer. If the answer is yes, then soldier on, but if the answer is no, do not go within a hundred miles of this film. The confusingly titled, [...]
CHRISTMAS IS COMING (CIC) is an upcoming romantic comedy produced by Ufuoma McDermott starring herself alongside Deyemi Okanlawon, Sola Sobowale, Chioma Akpotha, Zack Orji, Mary Lazarus, Gregory Ojefua, Michael Okon, Izzie Otaigbe, Odenike Odetola and [...]
Nothing but the truth is the story of a lying husband (ironically named Eziokwu Abugashi – which means the truth isn’t a lie) who gets on his wife’s last nerve with his incessant lying behavior. His wife gets concerned about whether or [...]