Strained explores the delicate relationship between a mother and daughter, tracing their path toward reconciliation. The story follows Ebere (portrayed by Tracy George) a new mother, and her estranged mother, Abigail (portrayed by Queen Nwokoye). When [...]
“War: Wrath And Revenge” is a sequel to the Nigerian TV series ‘Sons of the Caliphate,‘ which premiered in 2017 and was directed by Kenneth Gyang. The series revolves around the lives of three wealthy young men from the Northern [...]
You can spend money on all the latest gadgets, you can spend years trying to think up a truly original storyline, you can have the best public relations team the world and internet has ever seen, but all of that will fall apart if you don’t have a [...]
POWER OF 1 is an upcoming feature film by director extraordinaire – Izu Ojukwu. The movie stars Alexx Ekubo, Ramsey Nouah, and Annie Idibia, in the lead roles alongside Jide Kosoko, Bimbo Manuel, Jibola Dabo, Michelle Dede, Padita Agu, and Lucy [...]
Single Ladies is yet another TV series from ROK Studios. The series is produced by Mary Remmy and directed by Desmond Elliot. It stars Mercy Aigbe, Mary Remmy, Annie Macaulay-Idibia, Grace Amah, Desmond Elliot, Padita Agu and many others.30 The series is [...]
Thus far we’ve only seen Ijeoma Grace Agu in serious productions (think “Taxi Driver Oko Ashewo“, or “Misfit” or “Hoodrush“) but this new entry into the less serious genres is definitely worth the watch. In [...]
If you've seen the trailer, you already know the premise of this movie (if you haven't then click on the next tab and try and return your LASTMA card abeg): a guy meets his long lost love, tries to get her number but she leaves out three digits in the [...]