The Cursed One is an upcoming film from Zissou Pictures which focuses on vulnerable children in Africa, who are often accused of witchcraft in their communities. The movie is directed by Nana Obiri Yeboah and stars Oris Erhuero, Ama K. Abebrese, Jimmy [...]
First of all... stop it! Abdul Salam Mumuni! Stop it! Frank Rajah Arase! Stop it! Venus Films Production... I mean... seriously? Did the fountain of stories dry up in your area? Why is everything y'all make a rip? But on to matter though... the annoyingly [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] The beautiful thing about feel-good type coming-of-age movies are that they are really hard to hate. The story was definitely great! -Originality: [1 out of 5] Somehow, I did feel like I had seen the stories before. Ofcourse, I [...]