“Alaye” follows the journey of Catherine, portrayed by Ruth Kadiri. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she brings in a stranger named Funmi, portrayed by Samuel Perry (Broda Shaggi). The situation quickly spirals into chaos, leading to a [...]
Let’s get a few things straight right away, Tender Lies the movie is incredibly cute and incredibly endearing. It has a surplus of ‘aww’ moments even if you could see them all coming from a mile away. It’s a heartwarming feel good [...]
Black Men Rock is another couple’s vacation storyline. It follows three sisters and their husbands as they go on a ‘family’ vacation for a week during which they all reveal each other’s secrets and come to terms with their demons. [...]
Guys, you know that annoyingly awkward moment when your girlfriend finds a wedding ring in your closet that’s not for her and then your other girlfriend shows up when the other other girlfriend is at your house alone wearing the engagement ring? I mean [...]
There are some movies in Nigeria that as certain as the sky is blue will always have an audience. Some of these cliché sure bangers include a) the prince and the poor girl set in the village romances, b) the evil mother-in-law thrillers and c) the crazy [...]
‘Perfect’ is a movie that sets out at its core to teach a lesson. It’s the story of Kieran and Eva, a happily married couple that shares their chores together. We see Kieran, the husband, helping with cooking and getting his children [...]
Day by day, I realize how much one really cannot trust the hype on these irokotv movie comments. I clicked on this one and read so much praise, you would have thought that Nigerians have made “Avatar”. Needless to say though, this review is [...]
I’m still here trying to understanding what the relevance of this movie’s title is… but moving on! Black Bride is the story of a young family that consists of a workaholic wife, a family oriented man and a poor elementary school age [...]