Distance Between
Rita Dominic, Mercy Johnson, Kalu Ikeagwu, Yemi Blaq, Ashley Nwosu, Cassandra Odita, Charles Waran, Debbie Ibinola
Rita Dominic is Preye, while Mercy Johnson plays her best friend (Mosun). Right from the onset, it is clear that Preye has many issues – she is extremely promiscuous, and we soon learn that she is acting out due to sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Akin (played by Yemi Blaq) is her long suffering boyfriend. While Mosun appears to be extremely responsible, hardworking, and faithful to her friend, she is wrestling with demons too. She was also abused as a child, and in contrast to her friend, is turned off men. Kalu Ikeagwu plays an advert executive (Ike). Preye runs into him while she is hawking a show she wants to put on the air and the promptly hook up. It all gets very complicated and very emotional very fast. - ACP
"Sometimes good people do bad things" & Mercy: "I guess you are the last breed of the gentleman" Yemi: "That's probably because there are no ladies anymore"
Distance Between Part 1 and 2.
Izu Ojukwu
emry Savannu Ayotunde, Remi Ibinola
-Story: [4 out of 5] A story that needs to be told. A story society has learned to shy away from. A story that is ever present in many families. However, the ending was indeed extremely anticlimactic. I expected… more. I was looking for… something else. A different ending. A SATISFACTORY Ending… which, I wan’t given. To put it simply… where is the part 3? lol
-Originality: [4 out of 5] One of it’s kind.
-Predictability: [4 out of 5] There’s nothing in this movie that you see coming. Nothing gives anything away… and that’s probably one of the best parts of the movie.
-Directing/Editing: [3 out of 5]I can not overemphasize the fact… the resounding fact… the o-so-obvious fact…. the fact about which if any disagrees they can proceed to cross a busy road blindfolded… the fact that Izu Ojukwu is a genius. I’d have to say though that the most endearing aspects of this movie was that you can tell that true research was done before the script was written. I’m not talking googling character traits of the molested female. I’m talking… exploring every facet of the matter and really going into the consequences and after effects of the issue. A job well done
-Acting quality: [3 out of 5] Lemme start with the things that I’m most likely to forget. I loved everyone in this movie and the only person to whom my love did not reach would be the character who played Kalu Ikeagwu’s fiance. I am at a loss as to whether it’s just her character that was supposed to be ‘fake’ or whether she was the fake one. Regardless, it wasn’t well done all of the time but then again compare her to your typical ‘extra’ and she becomes a Genevieve. I loved the child actors…. I loved loved loved them. They didn’t have that many lines but with their faces, I was ready to stab their abusers. Standout performance to me… I can’t decide between Rita and Mercy because I could see the truth in both of their renditions. By ‘the truth’, I mean that these ladies carried their characters emotions, struggles, fears, pains and troubles perfectly well. Loved Kalu. Loved Yemi. RIP Ashley Nwosu
-Setting: [3 out of 5] On point
-Costume/Make-Up: [4 out of 5] Well done especially with Mercy’s Nerdified outfits and Rita’s spunkified persona.
-Props and Graphics: [3 out of 5] On Point
-Video Quality: [3 out of 5] Good
-Audio Quality [1 out of 5] Goes up and down too many times for comfort and in some scenes the audio came after the lip movement.
-Soundtrack: [4 out of 5] Amazing
-Musical Score: [4 out of 5] Lovely
I cried in this movie, till I could cry no more. But the cast was amazing. It’s been long since I saw it but will dust it out and see it again. Truly amazing. Yes, a classic.
PS: I never really considered Izu Ojukwu’s movie but having seen movies by him that were off the chains, I have started looking out for his movies. Good looking out NR.
I have noticed that Rita Dominic and Mercy Johnson have chemistry. Anyway, it was really difficult watching this film. Even the child actors did very well. This movie for me is a Nollywood classic
#TrueTalk. Distance Between is one for the shelves. Classic Nollywood
i agree with u the movie was great which is no suprise when the name on the credits reads izu ojukwu as the director. please can you review cindy’s note as well, this time i am pretty sure it is a 2008 movie(also diredted by izu).
lol Cindy’s Notes definitely is… I was supposed to review that with Distance Between today but I got sidetracked but I definitely will in a few days if not tomorrow