Single and Married
Yvonne Nelson, Chris Attoh, Nadia Buari, Eddie Watson, Kofi Adjorlolo, Jane 'Efya' Awindor, Kweku Elliot, Tiffany, Tana Adelana
Three recently married female friends, all with challenges within their marriages embark on a journey to discover what it is that it takes to make a marriage succeed. - iRoko
"I said 'I do', not 'I suck'!"
Pascal Amanfo
Yvonne Nelson
Pascal Amanfo
It's an easy watch with some funny moments
Most could not act
-Story: [2 out of 5]
With a movie like this and a title like ‘single and married’ (and especially after seeing the trailer), I think it’d be a bit far-fetched to watch this movie looking for an amazing storyline. It’s a romantic comedy type and the purpose of this genre (at least, in my head) is to be entertained. If you go in seeking a magnanimous storyline, sorry but you will be disappointed. If you go in seeking to be thrilled, again you will be disappointed. So go in to watch people drive fancy cars, live in pretty houses and wear colorful clothes, that’s what the genre was made for.
-Originality: [0 out of 5]
Again, like you shouldn’t expect an amazing storyline, you also shouldn’t expect anything original. Romantic comedies are pretty set in stone, and I don’t think that’s as regards to African RomComs alone but generally speaking they rarely bring anything new to the table.
-Predictability: [0 out of 5]
If you can’t predict this movie from the trailer, then… I don’t know what to say
-Directing/Editing: [2 out of 5]
Alright, this is where the problem arises because most of the people in this movie could not act to save their lives.
Let’s start with the obvious: Nadia Buari and Eddie Watson. Both people off the bat are acting-challenged. Nadia seems to be reciting her lines without a glimmer of emotion to be seen. And Eddie? Eddie is just lost. Can not and has never been able to act.
And then we have the musicians in this movie: Efya and Tiffany. Both were fun to watch, they were very colorful and… and… well… they were very colorful. Their roles did not require that much exertion for which we thank God.
And now to the ‘others’: Kofi Adjorlolo and Tana Adelana. I saw Tana for the first time in ‘The Kingdom‘, she had a very subdued role in that movie. Didn’t require much which made it easier for her acting to shine. But in this movie, in a role requiring ‘more’, she did not do terribly bad, I must say. But she wasn’t as good. Kofi Adjorlolo, however, is an amazing act. And carried his role perfectly well.
Finally, the leads: Chris and Yvonne. These two were really the highlights of the movie. Yvonne does very well in certain type of roles (i.e roles that involve fashionista/high class types) but when the scene calls for emotions and crying and hurt, and all that good stuff, she is not as strong of an actress. Chris on the other hand. Not a phenomenal actor, but is very capable of holding his own. His final dialogue in the movie kinda reminded me of Kevin Hart in ‘Think like a man’.
-Setting: [3 out of 5]
On point
-Costume/Make-Up: [3 out of 5]
Well done
-Props and Graphics: [3 out of 5]
Not bad
-Video Quality: [2 out of 5]
The trailer was more colorful. Didn’t understand/like the tint in the video for the movie. And the lighting was bad in too many scenes
-Audio Quality [2 out of 5]
-Soundtrack: [3 out of 5]
I have a bias towards Bernie Anti. I think this was the same soundtrack from 4 Play Reloaded? Or was it Single Six
-Musical Score: [3 out of 5]
Nicely done
Just saw the movie and i cant get the theme song out of my head,wat is the name of the song and artiste??
Watched this movie, and all I could say was “Why?”
I think everyone involved just had way too much time on their hands and made it to while away the hours. And I, watched the whole thing (!!!) to while away Friday night since I wasn’t party hunting, wasn’t sleepy, and my Iroko money had to be put to use.
Not to late to say best wishes for 2013.
lmaaoooo! Can’t stop laughing at your response haha (especially about having too much time – which is probably true).
No o.. it’s not too late and same to you dear
The movie is brides war yvonne okro n jd
Exactly! That’s what it was. Thanks
I got the notice from IrokoTV today and was planing to see it this weekend. Maybe not.
hehe… exactly, maybe NOT lol
This your review is hilarious
I’m just laughing so hard
Ghollywood can be so funny
thanks for this,been wanting to watch it…..all this review,i know them all myself but been hoping for a change since chris attoh is in the cast but unfortunately,that didnt make a difference so i wont be watching cos im done with their concert…thanks again.
Oya o, I just watched the movie..Too much sexual stuff going on but then I shouldnt be surprise its Gollywood..^-^….Please what happen to the friend when her hubby aka baba caught her in the act? The movie reminds me of one movie that Yvonne Okoro, John Dumelo and some ladies acted where their husband cheated on all of them; there was one mama that was dishing out serious wise words which they took to heart and forgave their husbands..Same story line just different faces..
I was wondering the same thing, can’t believe I forgot to mention it, they completely left off Tana and Kofi’s conclusion.
The movie you’re talking about could be 4Play or Single six (all different movies, same point) but the mama? so maybe 4play???? I can’t remember