“Kofa” delivers a thrilling narrative about eight individuals — four men and four women, Wale (portrayed by Daniel Etim-Effiong), Tosin (portrayed by Gina Castel), Nnenna (portrayed by Ijeoma Grace Agu), Nosa (portrayed by Charles Etubiebi), [...]
“When a devoted wife helps her husband build a thriving art gallery, their seemingly perfect life is disrupted by a captivating woman. As she grapples with heartbreak and betrayal, she must confront her own insecurities and embark on a desperate [...]
‘Skinny Girl In Transit’ is a Nigerian comedy web series by NdaniTV. It follows the struggles of Tiwa, a plus sized young girl living in Lagos, dealing with the pressures of wanting to be in a relationship and to be successful. Launched in [...]
Following right on the heels of the streaming release of To Freedom, “The One for Sarah” is another nollywood movie exploring the impacts of physical and psychological abuse on a woman in a relationship. Interestingly, mirroring its [...]
On today’s episode of overhyped things that don’t quite live up to expectations, we will be talking about Play TV’s “Nneka the Pretty Serpent”. Honestly, these people bamboozled us. After “Living in Bondage“, we [...]
You can spend money on all the latest gadgets, you can spend years trying to think up a truly original storyline, you can have the best public relations team the world and internet has ever seen, but all of that will fall apart if you don’t have a [...]
It has been ten years since your faves were together on screen for the original “The Perfect Picture” (not to be confused with the 2017 iROKO TV film “Picture Perfect“). And Shirley knew you were missing them so they’ve come [...]
Arriving on Netflix on the heels of a society more torn than ever with increased “Black Lives Matter” protests and the vigor of the black community worldwide as they refuse to be second hand citizens, the timing of Beverly Naya’s Skin: [...]