“KM 17” aims to be a psychological thriller that delves into themes of obsession, resurrection, and survival. The story revolves around a young woman named Cheeka (portrayed by Toni Tones), who embarks on a harrowing taxi ride with a psychotic [...]
Iyanu: Child of Wonder is an upcoming American animated superhero epic television series based on the graphic novel series by Roye Okupe. This Lion Forge Entertainment production is a thrilling adaptation of Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios’ graphic [...]
I went into this movie blindly, not knowing what to expect of it, even though the title made me feel it’d be a lowbrow Nollywood production. However, Japa turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Japa is a Sci-Fi comedy about a young teacher, Mezu, [...]
In recent times, Nigerian filmmakers have often disappointed audiences with sequels that fail to live up to the standard set by their predecessors. Many a time, we, the audience, step into cinema halls or fire up our streaming platforms hoping that the [...]
Funke Akindele produced and stars in She Must Be Obeyed, a new Amazon Prime series that she claims “addresses bullying in the music industry”. But in its first two episodes, which the purview of this review is strictly limited to, that premise [...]
The duo of Genevieve Nnaji and Ishaya Bako return again eight years after the success of “Road to Yesterday” with the film adaptation of Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani’s acclaimed 2009 novel, “I Do Not Come To You By Chance” Ishaya [...]
It’s becoming more frequently true that in nollywood when great storytelling and intentional cinematography balance harmoniously then you are likely watching a Jade Osiberu film. The Trade is loosely based on the story of the notorious kidnapper, [...]
The Inkblot and FilmOne Distribution team has decided to spin off a character from their 2018 movie “New Money“, in Quam’s Money! The upcoming movie is written by Naz Onuzo and directed by Kayode Kasum. It stars Nse Ikpe-Etim, Williams [...]