“Kill Boro” follows the story of a young boy named Elijah (portrayed by Kosisochukwu Ogbureche), who faces constant abuse from his father, Boro (portrayed by Phillip Asaya). Boro’s violence also targets Elijah’s mother, Boma [...]
After Ahanna Okolo's life as he knows it ends, he decides to steal the life he always wanted. He has just one rule - no bloodshed. He assembles a group of men with various skills, carrying out a series of spectacular heists, always ten steps ahead of the [...]
The Slum King is an upcoming crime series set to release on Africa Magic on 5 October 2023. The upcoming series is set to star Tobi Bakre, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Teniola Aladese, Olarotimi Fakunle, Sonia Irabor, Bolaji Ogunmola, Idia Essien, Elvina Ibru, [...]
With a title that calls forth memories of a Tales by Moonlight story-time, A Young Time Ago maintains the feelings of warmth brought upon by a warm cuddly story told amongst friends with a backdrop of a rainy day, a warm fire, and hot cup of cocoa. [...]
There’s this thing called the curse of the second half. It’s when a movie starts off great but somewhere around the middle it looses steam so that by the time you get to the end you’ve forgotten your initial love for the movie. Slow [...]
Bonny & Clara is an upcoming nollywood movie that stars Shawn Faqua, Omowunmi Dada, Femi Branch, Monica Friday, Greg Ojefua, Brutus Richard, Papa Sam and a host of others. The movie is directed by Yemi Jolaoso – an independent filmmaker/film and [...]
“Losing My Religion” is an upcoming short film directed by Damilola E. Orimogunje and is based on Nigerian/US-based author Nike Campbell-Fatoki’s story of the same name from an anthology of short stories titled “Bury Me Come Sunday Afternoon”. [...]