ANGELINA is a three part long six hour movie about everything that “A Cry for Help” was about. It stars Hilda Dokubo doing what Hilda Dokubo always does – crying. It has a villain, it has a sob story, it has a success story and when all [...]
It’s yet another story of a rich prince falling for a poor girl against the advice of overly aristocratic and snobbish parents, but with a twist this time. The question is, is the twist fascinating enough that one should sit through these 3 hour [...]
I can’t even remember whether the story was fascinating or not… because that’s what happens when you make a movie in 6 PARTS! Are you kidding me? Stop it! STOP IT NOW!
Now as regards the actual story behind this movie... I thought the first two parts were entertaining. What I just don't get is this modern day fascination with making two different movies at one time with four parts.
-Story: [1 out of 5] The last 30 minutes or so of this movie really was the beginning and the end of the ‘story’ within this four part (aka 4 and a half hour) movie. -Originality: [0 out of 5] This is such a typical Uche Nancy movie. I [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] The story was definitely different. From the get go, the viewer could tell that Haunting was not headed in the same direction as your typical Nollywood movie. -Originality: [5 out of 5]Besides the fact that this movie touches on the [...]