In her inaugural foray into blockbuster productions, Mercy Aigbe grapples with a narrative that, despite its initial promise of profound importance, falls short of delivering the anticipated depth and impact. The film, while showcasing Aigbe’s [...]
After Ahanna Okolo's life as he knows it ends, he decides to steal the life he always wanted. He has just one rule - no bloodshed. He assembles a group of men with various skills, carrying out a series of spectacular heists, always ten steps ahead of the [...]
Dear movie makers, it might come as a surprise to you and I say this with the greatest amount of respect, but sometimes it might be in your favor to release a movie straight to DVD instead of having a theatrical release. Throughout the duration of this [...]
We hold these truths to be self evident that Black November strikes immediately as an emotionally compelling story that brings to the forefront a highly relevant political issue - the struggle in the Niger Delta. There is no room allowed for guesswork in [...]
A local anthem sung in adversity by the slaves he captures punctuates the film. It will be the inspiration for John Newton's redemption, and, years later, for his writing of the world's most enduring hymn, Amazing Grace.
I've seen this movie only God knows how many times and every time I got to the end, I felt like slapping the script writer because in my head it just did not make any sense for Genevieve to end up with who she ended up with! I need a fairytale. I want a [...]