Iyanu: Child of Wonder is an upcoming American animated superhero epic television series based on the graphic novel series by Roye Okupe. This Lion Forge Entertainment production is a thrilling adaptation of Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios’ graphic [...]
Unexpected Love showcases the ups and downs of relationships, the sweet and bitter moments of first love, the beauty in differing cultural norms, the joys and struggles of college living, gaining independence as a young adult and the importance of [...]
From the filmmaker who brought us “King of Boys“, Kemi Adetiba returns with her next movie, “To Kill A Monkey”. The upcoming movie is a crime thriller written and directed by Kemi Adetiba and stars Stella Damasus, Bimbo Akintola, [...]
Two brides and a baby tells the story of a jilted lover who just happens to walk in on her ex the day before his wedding. The movie follows the upheaval caused by her reappearance on the brides side, on the grooms side, and on the side of friends of the [...]
Bent Arrows is a movie that explores the lives of three different women from three different backgrounds. It tells of how they found themselves in their current situations, and the effect their backgrounds had on their future selves
“Oh my goodness, now that lump has melted into liquid so the flood gates flung open and the tears started gushing out. It was not a very pleasant sight as the choir leader could not continue the song. This is to give you an insight to the kind of [...]
-Predictability: [1 out of 5 IT was a tad bit predictable but at some times, one could not guess what was to come so I believe it deserves a 4 -Originality: [0 out of 5] Broken hearted girl, too scared for a relationship. Eventually gets got. Not [...]