A wise man once said if a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. There is an unspoken law in movie reviewing that a reviewer’s job is to tell the audience what he thinks or how he feels about a movie. Nothing less [...]
A pastor once said that it’s foolishness going into a marriage looking for someone to complete you, only God can do that. Marriage will grow you but not through the process that you’d think. If you have any flaws you know of in your single [...]
You know those romantic movies where two young people from different social classes fall in love but their family opposes it, and then they run away but they get caught and then the story goes one of three ways: they eventually break up because of this or [...]
I spent a significant portion of my time, while watching this movie, rehashing the rating for the predictability criteria because that’s how many surprises there were at one point. But before we get into that, let’s go over the movie. Shoot to [...]
‘A Little White Lie’ is a very formulaic script. It tells the story of a young lady who is single and could care less but on the eve of her parent’s arrival (considering she had lied to them that she was in a relationship) she is faced [...]