Echoes of Love is old nollywood romance in a nutshell. It tells the story of a Prince who is set to pick his next bride from women of his village who come from the royal bloodline. To the surprise of everyone, he picks a maiden from a different village [...]
It’s rare to see a simple love story these days especially in the village setting; this movie fulfilled all that nostalgia and more including singing. Bear with me in this review because this is my first traditional review and the elements are definitely [...]
I absolutely love it when I can identify a writer or director’s work in their films. I love how when you watch a film you can identify who is behind it while still be able to say that it is fresh. Let’s face it, this is the only way to build a brand that [...]
There’s such a thing as misleading advertising in order to trick the audience to purchase your product. Then there is that unfortunate breed of misleading advertising that can hinder the progress of your product indirectly and this is one of those [...]
This film was literally agony to get through. Slow, dry, it dragged and some of its plot elements were frankly ridiculous. I still have not watched it to the end because of how annoying it got. Who do you think is to blame when a film misrepresents itself [...]
I won't say Ugezu can't act per say because he keeps giving himself the same 'igbotic' roles to play in all his movies so I highly doubt that he's doing much acting versus being himself. Infact, I don't think his acting capacities are being called into [...]
Ok so maybe I might have liked the storyline, but six parts? Come on, even if you want to tell the story of Jesus from Birth to resurrection, six parts is simply too much. The simple truth is that no one (well, for the most part) has that kind of time to [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] Taking the story as what it is and forgetting the fact that a million and one other people have made (not different deviations) but the same exact movie a million times over, I am forced to acknowledge that the plot of the movie is [...]