Onye Egwu tells the story of Alex, a footballer whose career comes to an end after a series of injuries. His journey to seek a solution leads him to a budding footballer, Nedu, who dreams of playing internationally but is hindered by the penurious family [...]
Imagine you’re strolling on the street and you spot a guy selling gold necklaces on the road, offering it to you for 10k. You pause, inquire, and confirm if it’s genuine gold, ensuring it won’t ‘wash’ after 2 weeks, as the [...]
The Wildflower tells the story of three women who navigate physical and sexual abuse from three different men. The film is directed by Biodun Stephen (A Simple Lie, Breaded Life), produced by Vincent Okonkwo (Passport, Ponzi), and written (primarily) by [...]
Passport is the creation of producer Vincent Okonkwo and writer Abosi Ogba and is the latest of movies to transition to streaming after a cinematic run that concluded last year. It tells the story of Oscar (Jim Iyke), a London-based socialite, who is [...]
Sometimes you just watch so many of your movies on irokotv and you assume that the rest of the world is held to the same quality standards… this was my reality check. Tears for Cindy is “supposed to be” about two headstrong celebrities [...]
After the disappointment of recent movies releases, this movie is a cool balm for any disappointed Nollywood fans. It’s funny, very interesting and definitely puts a shiny beautiful gloss on an old played out trope. The old con girls try to trick men for [...]
Restless Soul is an appealing movie that would have been even more appealing if they knew what they were doing. The movie tells the story of a young boy from a poor home who goes on to become an apprentice for a wealthy man in the city. Whilst there, he [...]
So, the movie starts, the soundtrack's playing, opening credits are rolling and I'm reading it and just thinking "damn, this is a very good cast". Not once did I wonder who made the movie. I just thought it'd be a fair enough movie at worst.