Beyond Blood is an upcoming movie directed by Greg Odutayo and produced by Debbie Odutayo. The movie stars Kehinde Bankole, Shan George, Okey Uzoeshi, Joseph Benjamin, Bimbo Manuel, Francis Onwochei, Marion, Wole Ojo, Uzor Ozimkpa, Ifeanyi Kalu, Bott, Carol King and Deyemi Okanlawon.
SYNOPSIS: “Beyond Blood” is a story of discovery. An uninflected series of scenes or moments that take us on a journey of how a woman and our central character, Moji rediscovers herself.
Moji is faced with a series of situations far beyond her control. Rather than confront the situation, she decides to “run” away in the hope that in her search for her brother, she will rediscover him and herself and have the time to think through her life and make those life changing decisions that will put her on the path of confrontation of the society in which she finds herself.
Beyond blood releases in cinemas this December. For more on the movie, visit the website HERE