Adire, a two-hour-plus comedy-drama tells the tale of Asari (aka Adire) portrayed by Kehinde Bankole, an ambitious woman striving to escape her life as a prostitute. Eager to pursue a career in fashion design, she seizes a chance to break free from her [...]
“War: Wrath And Revenge” is a sequel to the Nigerian TV series ‘Sons of the Caliphate,‘ which premiered in 2017 and was directed by Kenneth Gyang. The series revolves around the lives of three wealthy young men from the Northern [...]
There’s the saying that when you get married in an African home, you don’t only marry your spouse but you also marry their family. This movie gives it another dimension: the family (which consists of 2/3rd non-blood relations) tries to [...]
So let’s get some things straight, Eddie Watson still can’t act, Hauwa is a gift from Kannywood to nollywood, Desmond Elliott just be mesmerizing the girls dem, Alexx Ekubo has some ways to go, and finally if you want to make your movie a hit [...]
Beyond Blood is an upcoming movie directed by Greg Odutayo and produced by Debbie Odutayo. The movie stars Kehinde Bankole, Shan George, Okey Uzoeshi, Joseph Benjamin, Bimbo Manuel, Francis Onwochei, Marion, Wole Ojo, Uzor Ozimkpa, Ifeanyi Kalu, Bott, [...]
Undercover lover is the story of a poor young man, played by Alexx Ekubo, who continues to believe that there is a woman out there who will love him regardless of his poverty. This is all in spite of his exuberant roommate, played by Ifeanyi Kalu, who [...]
The Banker is a movie about a young lady whose father-in-law-to-be is opposed to her relationship with his son because of what she does. The young lady, played by Mbong Amata, is a marketer in a bank, and according to the father-in-law, the job is nothing [...]
The feeling that you’ve seen a movie even before you see the movie is hardly ever a good thing. This is not inception. Lagos Cougars is the story of three supposedly older women who look like their in their late 30s who are dating meet and have [...]