THE BOY CHILD is an upcoming docu-drama by Titi Allaputa centered around the realities of the boy child in our society.
SYNOPSIS: Behind every man is the story of a boy child. The inexperience of men in masculinity plagues any developing society. A new
definition of “man” needs to be established. One, complete with not only perks but responsibilities.A safe and better society isn’t one with more laws but one with less offenders. This is a call for collaboration to collectively break down the status quo of “the male child” and re-engineer it for the 21st century. Rites of passage have to be redefined to accommodate transition into modern times. Men have to be groomed In a fashion different from what we have now. That way we can expect something from a generation of men that actually have something to give and not hope that they will take up their roles as men when they were not taught.