The short film “The Dark Box” is a Nollywood short film about time travel adapted from the “one minute time machine” written by Sean E. Crouch. “The Dark Box” was the winner of the Best Nollywood short film by a new filmmaker award and the ‘Best Actor’ award at the RealTime Film Festival of 2017. The short film stars Seun Kentebe and Linda Osifo and is produced and directed by Yemi Jolaoso.
SYNOPSIS: Fido is feeling rather proud of his little technological marvel that allows him to travel back in time precisely one minute. It’s the perfect tool for trying to seduce the beautiful Kiki. Unfortunately for Fido, he learns that his machine has a dark side.
It starts off very funny and cute and light but somewhere around the half-way point, this “funny, cute and light” short film actually gets a little “Black Mirror”-esque on us. But not to worry, it’s not deep enough to leave any average viewer behind.