Lekki Wives, the prequel to Lekki Wives: The Reunion, which was produced in 2012, revolves around five women in Lekki, Lagos. It portrays the women’s flamboyant lifestyles, and the significant issues they face daily. The cast members are Kiki [...]
I have talked long and hard about suffering porn. Nollywood just churns out these films although there has been a new crop of interesting twists on the first classics. In that way the familiar storylines that we accord to these types of movies are being [...]
In a movie produced by her own company, Big Sistz Production, Adaora Ukoh stars alongside Davies Bassey and Maureen Solomon in a movie directed by Kingsley Ugonna Ezeh. EPITAPHÂ is a documentary drama based on a true story. The movie addresses the issues [...]
The story can be accused of being entertaining to a certain degree but there are many problems with its story. For starters, it's the same motif that keeps repeating itself throughout the movie over and over again. The King just keeps on sleeping with [...]
The story explores a motif that has definitely been explored in Nollywood over and over again (think about that Ramsey Noah movie where he falls in love with blind Stella Damasus who is into pottery and church) but it does it with a not so typical ending [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] Really liked the story, it’s one of those movies where people who are extremely emotional might actually cry. I really like the ‘Jos’ stories because I honestly believe that our movies need to not only focus on the [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] The beautiful thing about feel-good type coming-of-age movies are that they are really hard to hate. The story was definitely great! -Originality: [1 out of 5] Somehow, I did feel like I had seen the stories before. Ofcourse, I [...]
-Story: [3 out of 5] I actually liked the story of Naked Ambition and was not very into the story for Amazing Grace. My question really is “What does the title have to do with the movie?” Naked Ambition, maybe. But Amazing Grace, what? [...]